Age of Sigmar

Players will be using the same Allegiance for the duration of the league which will be submitted when you register. This is an escalation league. For the first month, games will be played using the Path to Glory rules in your battletome with some slight modifications (see below). In the second month, we will be playing games at 1,000 points using the Meeting Engagements rules on page 72 of the General’s Handbook 2019. In the third month, we will be playing Matched Play games at 1,500 points.
Path to Glory Modifications
Begin by downloading the Path to Glory Warband Roster.
Select your Champion and Followers and build your warband how you see fit. You do not need to roll for the composition of your warband. As you gain Rewards however, they are granted by the fickle dice gods and must be rolled for.
You cannot save a roll to use later in the campaign. You must select the max number of units/awards that comes with your Champion. As you gain Glory Points, you are free to save them and spend them when you want.
Unit Limits
Your army cannot include more than 2 units chosen from the same warscroll.
Allegiance Specific Rules
- Blades of Khorne: The tables in the latest battletome were never properly updated by the rules designers. Use the tables below for creating your warband.

- Seraphon: Seraphon has an older battletome and does not contain the Path to Glory rules or the Warband Tables. These rules are listed in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Path to Glory supplement. Alternatively, you can view them online on 1d4chan.
- Slaves to Darkness: Like Seraphon, Slaves to Darkness has an older battletome that does not contain Warband Tables for Path to Glory. These rules are listed in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Path to Glory supplement. Alternatively, you can view them online on 1d4chan. The new Slaves to Darkness book is scheduled for release in December. Once the book is released, you can switch to the new Path to Glory rules in that battletome.
- Sylvaneth: There is a typo on the Elite Retinue Followers Table. Change the table to the following:

Rewards of Battle
Do not follow the rules for Rewards of Battle as written in your battletome. Keep a running tally of the total Glory you have earned on your warband roster. After a battle, a warband can spend Glory on the following upgrades:
Additional Follower
More loyal followers flock to your banner.
Select a new unit from a follower table, then add it to your warband roster. You can choose from any of your own follower tables or from any of the follower tables from an allied warband table. If a follower uses more than 1 roll, you must pay the additional Glory (costs will be listed in your battletome).
Cost: 2 Glory Points
Champion’s Reward
Your champion’s prowess grows.
Roll on your allegiance’s champion rewards table. Note the result on your warband roster. If you roll a result the champion has already received, roll again until you get a different result.
Cost: 1 Glory Point
Follower’s Reward
Your warriors become renowned for mighty deeds.
Pick a unit of followers (not one from an allied warband table), then roll on your allegiance’s followers rewards table. Note the result on your warband roster. If you roll a result the unit has already received, roll again until you get a different result.
Cost: 1 Glory Point
Grand Strategist
Your champion becomes skilled in the ways of war.
Your warband gains an additional command point before the battle begins. This reward can only be taken once.
Cost: 2 Glory Points
Tactical Acumen
Your warriors are seasoned after countless battles.
Your army gains a Triumph. Roll once on the Triumph table (page 56 General’s Handook 2019) before each battle. This reward can only be taken once.
Cost: 2 Glory Points
Eternal Glory
We will not be using the Eternal Glory rules as the league will escalate to 1,000 points using the Meeting Engagements rules in the second month (see above).
Playing Games
There are several posts on the blog page regarding creating your warband. Battleplans are available by clicking the button below: