Category Age of Sigmar

League Update #4

Here’s the final update for the Austin AoS League. In total, we had 31 people registered for the league. There were 257 games that were reported across 5 gaming stores in 3 months. For a first time league it was… Continue Reading →

League Update #3

We just finished off our second month of the Austin AoS League. Things were a bit slower with a lot of us doing tournament prep for The Texas Masters. Congratulations goes out to Matt Robisch who went 5-0 on the… Continue Reading →

League Update #2

We finished our first month of the Austin AoS League. Thanks to everyone that has come out! Here is where we ended up at the end of the first month. Battle Points are as follows: Community points ended up as… Continue Reading →

High Tide

By: Tate Wilson Aeneas slid down the deepmare’s coiled fins, flicking his blade clean of the gore spattered down its length. Aeneas’ bodyguards, on their eel mounts came out of the cloying mists of the ethersea to report. The debris… Continue Reading →

League Update #1

Week 1 is finished, and I wanted to post an update. I’ll be doing updates periodically throughout the course of the league. We had a great turnout especially for starting in the middle of the holiday season. Thanks so much… Continue Reading →

Liege-Kavalos Armond Celemdak

By: Gene Radebaugh The darkened, gore streaked hills brought a sense of satisfaction to Celemdak. The harvesters, bone masons, and soul reapers made their way across the killing field, attending to the latest influx of bone and deathly energies. It… Continue Reading →

March to War!

Your Path to Glory Warband is complete and you are ready to play your first game. What rules do I use from my Battletome? Pretty much everything from your Warscroll and just your Battle Traits. From Blades of Khorne for… Continue Reading →

Mustering Your Warband

So you registered for the Austin AoS League? Awesome! This whole Path to Glory thing is really confusing. I have no idea how to create my warband. It’s not too bad once you get the hang of it, but in… Continue Reading →

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